Saturday, August 30, 2014

Aug. 22 - Aug. 30th Revisited

I had a hectic week with work, so I haven't had the chance to upload this week, but here's more than enough pictures for every day this week. Enjoy!

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014
Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 22nd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014 
Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Date Taken: Aug. 23rd, 2014

Time Lapse of 45 photos taken around Midnight Aug. 22nd, 2014

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Slackers will be Slackers

Hey All,

It's been a busy past week. I've been busy at work, and things in and around the house, dog sitting, oh...and of course Summer Slam on Sunday (which I watched on Monday because I was at Six Flags on Sunday).. .yes... I'm a wrestling fan... but that's not a good excuse to slack now is it? The good news is that I'm camping this weekend...which means: LOTS OF NEW PICTURES!

But until I get back on Sunday night, I'll post some from my adventures this weekend.

Here are a few from The Radicals' CD Release party on Saturday.

These are of Uzuhi. The Japanese Punk band from Brooklyn NY.

Gosha (lead vocals) does his happy dance on stage.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone who likes to have fun and make people smile more....
And I've seen Andrew W.K. live...
Date Taken: 8.16.2014

Tomoya (guitar) providing some backing vocals.
This kid was an excellent guitarist.
You can tell by a single set that he is versed in many different syles, and excels at each one.
Date Taken: 8.16.2014

Tsubasa (Keys) can play her instrument with the best of them.
Uzuhi doesn't have a bassist, and Tsubasa provides the low end.
She and Gosha are married and have a baby boy, who travels with them...the kid is adorable.
Date Taken: 8.16.2014

This is a happy accident shot....and a lot of times, those are the most interesting.
You can see (from left to right) John formerly of Loser's Circle, his lady Kathy, Mike of Loser's Circle, a gentleman I honestly don't know, and 'Crazy' Jay, formerly of Red Line Rebels.
Matt from The Radicals is in back talking to his friend Christian.
This show was a whole lot of fun, and had a great lineup.
Date Taken: 8.16.2014

Uzuhi's table o'fun.
Their show is fun.... their merch is fun.... what more could you possibly ask for!?
Date Taken: 8.16.2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

Let's make up some time here...

Hey All,

I dropped the ball pretty hard over the last few days. We had a member of the family pass, so I wasn't able to sit at my computer for very long. But here are three shots to make up that time!

-Kevin M. Byers

 This was taken right around 9:00pm at Seabrook Beach in New Hampshire.
We had just gone out to eat, and my wife wanted to take a walk on the beach, so I climbed the jetty, set up and got a fifteen second exposure to produce what you see here.
The bursts of light look so perfectly shaped, that one could think I edited them in...which I assure you; I didn't.
Date Taken: Jul., 2014

An early morning shoot at Benson Park produced this photo.
I was sitting quietly on the bank of a pond looking at a Great Blue Heron that was much too far away when this fella came creeping out of  a shelter of branches and grass.
You don't realize how effective natural camouflage is until you try to take a picture of an animal with such.
Date Taken: Aug. 4, 2014

Another shot from Benson Park during an early morning hunt.
This dragonfly had landed and perched on a broken branch about ten feet from me.
The most interesting thing about this image is that it was taken from that ten feet away using a Tamron 200-500mm Telephoto-Superzoom. The results are quite interesting.
Date Taken: Jul, 2014

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Today is my wife's birthday. We've been married just over six months, and I love her with all my being. Because I love her so darned much, I'm going to post two photos that I really enjoy. I hope you do too!

This was taken at the Disney World stop of our honeymoon.
We were at the Innoventions building in Epcot, and took part in "The Great Piggy Bank Adventure"
The pig she's holding is the "piggy bank".
She wanted to take it home, but I think they would have frowned upon that idea....
Date Taken: Feb. 19th, 2014

This was taken at St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans.
She's creeped out by anything dead, but I wanted pictures of a cemetery, as I don't have any from my last trip to NOLA.
I think this may be my best photo to date. I love the raw emotion and feeling of dread it exudes.
Date Taken: Feb. 17th, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

The Header...

This felled tree sits just above the beach at Ordiorne Point in Rye NH, which was a the site of Ft. Dearborne during WWII.
My wife and I were walking around when we came across the oddly majestic, gnarled, salt-worn lumber.
It radiates a certain beauty, and curiousity. What is it's story? Is it just a tree, or much more?
Prints of this photo are available. Please E-mail: for pricing.
Date Taken: Jul. 20, 2014

My Response to the Ice Bucket Challenge.

I will post two photos today. I missed yesterday's post, because I was busy with this:

I was challenged three times, and since I've seen a lot of people dumping ice over their heads to avoid donating $100 to the research the horrifying disease that is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, and then not donating ANYTHING... I decided to tell my family's story, and our history with ALS. PLEASE watch this, and share it. I realize that I can't educate everyone on the horrors of ALS, but hopefully I can sway some people to donate with this story... Thank you

If you still don't know what ALS is PLEASE read about it: HERE

And if you want to join the Byers Family in their fight, please visit our Facebook page: HERE

Please join in the fight against ALS.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Background of the Background

An early shoot at Benson Park (one of my favorite places to shoot) yielded this photo.
I thought the light, and the way the light fell behind the wild flowers fell in an interesting way.
The field is riddled with honeybees and dragon flies, and is usually a great place for a good shot.
Date Taken: Aug. 03, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Story of 365 PLUS: The Photography of Kevin Byers

Welcome to my blog, 365 PLUS: The Photography of Kevin Byers. I created this blog in hopes that I could make strides toward the career path that I want to embark upon; a career in Photojournalism and Nature/Wildlife Photography. I suppose I should start with an image, because that's the reason this blog exists after I give you this photo:

This photo was taken on a family trip (the first with my new wife) to Cape Cod.
I was talking to my father, and just managed to snap this mid-conversation.
I love taking candid portraits of people. 

Even something as simple as this shot.
It just offers an honest look at the person that a photograph normally wouldn't show.
Date Taken: Jul. 13, 2014
This is my father. He's a little skittish when it comes to the internet even though, just like I, he is a tech he doesn't get a name. I was born quite early in my father's life, but that didn't hinder him from being the best father he could possibly be, or that I could possibly ever ask for. From an early age my father sparked my interest in photography. He(?) bought my first camera: a Kodak Kid's Camera which used 13x17mm film cartridges (as opposed to canisters) and produced odd shaped photos. I used this camera every chance I had. I don't know if he bought it on our first trip to Disney World (somewhere between the age of three and four) or if we brought it with us, but I do know that I had it. and STILL have the photos I took from that trip (which was early-mid 1990). I took endless photos of my cousin, his mother, my mother, stepfather and my other aunts and uncles, most of which survived the location and home changes over the years (the photos did most of my aunts and uncles thankfully).

As years went on I was more and more interested in photography...not so much the technical aspect or even the artistic aspect, but capturing the actions of people and animals. As I grew older I graduated in to 35mm point and shoot, taking pictures of my friends skateboarding, rollerblading, biking, and wanting so badly to build a website to chronicle our adventures (about a block from home). The website never happened, because at the age of thirteen...well...who's going to follow through with a website?

In high school my grandmother gave me my first digital camera; an HP Photosmart 735 point and shoot. I loved that camera, and carried it everywhere I went. Despite turning on in your pocket, and running risk of burning out the lens motor this camera was AWESOME! (It wasn't) the digital zoom produced the most crisp images I'd ever seen from such a crazy distance (it didn't) and the large files were clear enough that you could print movie posters direct from the camera and would never know they came from a point and shoot! (they weren't, it couldn't, and you obviously did). Despite all of the quirks, errors, and poor performance of this and any other P&S of that time period; I loved that camera. Like I said: It came everywhere with me. It came to punk shows, and concerts (I wanted so badly to start a website about local music...but with any sixteen year know the story...). It came to amusement parks, and the beach...everywhere, and took all the pictures, all the time. Now, ask me where those pictures went. because I have no earthly all. That was the problem with digital photos and a sixteen year old.

That camera carried me for the next few years until one day it just stopped reading SD cards, and then all together stopped working. I moved on from photography until I got to college where I enrolled in the Graphic Design program at my community college. I took all of my core classes, and some of my design courses but had to choose two science electives and two art electives, so I decided to take a Painting and Photography Class. The photography class focused on Black and White, Manual Focus, and Darkroom as well as technique. I remember reading the course description and was in desperate need of a 35mm DSLR. My long time neighbor (and best friend's father) offered up his old Yashica FR2 that had been sitting in the closet for years. It had been dropped and had a light leak, which caused my entire first roll to be ruined. My father (knight in shining armor) got in touch with my Uncle who had an old Canon AE-1 from the late 70s in a closet. I was hooked. I carried that camera around with me everywhere i went for class or ski adventures. Film was expensive, and expensive to develop, so I didn't take many photos (I'm changing my terminology here...) and still have about a dozen rolls undeveloped in a bag in my parents basement. After I joined a band, could no longer keep my grades up, and ran out of money for school, I stopped taking pictures all together. Just a few here and there on a cell phone.

My life was dedicated to playing the drums.

I brought that old HP P&S on our first tour, and took a few pictures, and on our second tour and first 'stint' (five days out to New Orleans from Boston, and back) I brought along Kodak EasyShare Compact that my now mother-in-law let me 'borrow' (only to let me keep after she picked up a Nikon DSLR). You could barely call the pictures taken that tour 'photos' as they were a mere chronicle of our travels, and barely that. After those trips, I kind of abandoned photography all-together and went back to school to finish my design degree. During this run through school I was working at a drum shop in Nashua, NH and snowboarding almost constantly.

 I took my father's Canon Rebel to Wachusett Mountain to take some (useless) photos for a project. This was the day the idea for "The Project" was born. I was going to make a movie: A chronicle of all of the unsung ski mountains in New England. The Ice Coast at is best. I researched cameras left and right, tending to focus on Canon (I loved that AE-1) and settled on the Rebel t4i. It was new, it had all the features I needed, and it was awesome (literally). I purchased this beautiful piece of machinery in November of 2012. About a month after I had purchased the camera my girlfriend (now wife), her family (now in-laws) and I went to Mexico, and it was the perfect opportunity to test out my photo and video capabilities. The video was real easy to get the hang of with the t4i. Smooth, simple, very user friendly, but moving form an old SLR that I hadn't used in years to a brand new (less than 3 months in production) DLSR was a challenge.

After getting a basic knowledge of the working of my camera, I started shooting in RAW, and post processing. I realized the camera, and my computer provided me with the tools to create potentially awesome photos that were east to develop, and looked phenomenal when printed properly. As 2013 passed, and the camera was in my hand everywhere I went, from family parties to weddings, and most importantly; hikes, camping trips and my honeymoon I realized how much I enjoyed taking photos. Messing with my camera settings to get different styles of photos, and different lighting and color tones was glorious. When the documentary series "North America" was aired on The Discovery Channel, I was enamored. Overwhelmed even. I thought "Being a wildlife photographer... that would be awesome..." It wasn't until I sat and watched "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and saw Sean Penn hunting the "Ghost Cat" (snow leopard) with his tripod and telephoto in the Himalayas that I decided "that's what I want to do..." and here I am.

Yes.... a fictional movie, neigh - work of art, inspired me to follow a path that just seems to fit.

So that's the story of 365 PLUS. I hope you enjoy what you discover here, follow, and offer constructive criticism.

Be well, and #loveyalifestyle
-Kevin M. Byers