Friday, August 15, 2014

Let's make up some time here...

Hey All,

I dropped the ball pretty hard over the last few days. We had a member of the family pass, so I wasn't able to sit at my computer for very long. But here are three shots to make up that time!

-Kevin M. Byers

 This was taken right around 9:00pm at Seabrook Beach in New Hampshire.
We had just gone out to eat, and my wife wanted to take a walk on the beach, so I climbed the jetty, set up and got a fifteen second exposure to produce what you see here.
The bursts of light look so perfectly shaped, that one could think I edited them in...which I assure you; I didn't.
Date Taken: Jul., 2014

An early morning shoot at Benson Park produced this photo.
I was sitting quietly on the bank of a pond looking at a Great Blue Heron that was much too far away when this fella came creeping out of  a shelter of branches and grass.
You don't realize how effective natural camouflage is until you try to take a picture of an animal with such.
Date Taken: Aug. 4, 2014

Another shot from Benson Park during an early morning hunt.
This dragonfly had landed and perched on a broken branch about ten feet from me.
The most interesting thing about this image is that it was taken from that ten feet away using a Tamron 200-500mm Telephoto-Superzoom. The results are quite interesting.
Date Taken: Jul, 2014

1 comment:

  1. Loving that Seabrook photo.Those lights reflecting on the water......nice.
